With over a decade of experience behind us, $10 billion in funds under administration and operating in over 100 countries worldwide, the deVere Group is one of the world's largest independent international financial consultancy groups. We offer financial services to international investors and expatriates. Our advisory remit covers investments, savings, mortgages and pensions.
Plans for the future are amazingly fun to make. Buying a house, saving up for your children's university fees, moving to a different county - there are so many options. What's important is to have a savings plan that is tailored to your goals. Today, there are plans suited for every kind of eventuality, but as an expat many more will be available to you through investment in an overseas jurisdiction.
As an international investor, you will have a large array of funds from which to choose from. This will allow you to save money in a currency of your choosing. You will also be able to take advantage of benefits from the tax-efficient rates paid. Contributions can be made towards the plans in a custom-made way, meaning that they will always fit your lifestyle and your budget. Provided that the deposits you make are regular and timely, there's no end to the flexibility of options you have as an expat investor.
A basic fact is that when it comes to saving, the earlier the start, the better. It will enable you to be prepared when caught off guard. This is where deVere Group comes in.
We can work with you to put together a savings plan that will get you the best returns on your assets, no matter what your savings goals are.
Please contact us for a free consultation with a deVere Group advisor.
To find out more about the deVere Group, please click here.