There’s a reason why only 39% of Americans own a passport. They just don’t need one. With its history of mass immigration going back as far as the 17th century, the US is one of the most diverse nations on the planet – it is truly a "melting pot" of the world’s cultures.
"America the Beautiful" is also impressively vast. Its home to both sky high towers in the bustling cities and expansive, uninhabited and naturally beautiful plains.
It has been dubbed the “land of opportunity” thanks to its philosophy of liberty and opportunity to thrive. The biggest national economy in the world, America gives all who enter the possibility to achieve not only an education but to establish a business and watch it grow. Individual choices can be made here without the constraints of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group. This country is the champion of human rights and personal freedom.
Having a standard of living that is one of the top 20 around the world is also testament to its potential to provide people with a true chance at finding their bliss.