A country relatively unexplored, Bulgaria offers anyone who steps within the opportunity to discover it firsthand. Remarkable natural scenery, quaint rustic villages and elaborate churches abound. The reputation Bulgarian people hold for being gruff and curt is derived more from old 70s spy films than reality.
Cost of living, compared to other European countries could be considered on the low side, even with its high quality fresh food and distinctly impressive wines. This also applies to costs for building a home or maintaining it. However, by no means is this indicative of a low standard. Not by a long shot.
All of the above make Bulgaria a prime destination for expats. The country currently boasts a number of expat communities throughout, from Bankya to Veliko Tarnovo, from the banks of the Danube to Zlatograd. At the same time, the country has lost none of its national identity, history, culture and tradition. Go to Bulgaria, and it’s authenticity through and through.